
Competenz are an industry training organisation (ITO) that provides training for apprentices in 37 different sectors from engineering to baking. In Feb 2020, they asked us to help fix their declining employer leads issue.

Brochure / Press / Social Campaign / Chatbot
Digital / Print

Project Overview

Following a month of analysis, we proposed a refinement to their digital experience including a chatbot, streamlined their sales experience, and developed a native advertising campaign with Stuff  based on the theme of “training through adversity”.

Employer leads increased 16% over a 12 month period. More importantly the new employers were prepared to take on more apprentices,  so Competenz closed the year having met budget.

In 2021, Competenz became the first ITO to move into Te Pukenga, as part of ITO industry reforms..

Based on S&O’s ability to deliver results, we have been tasked with re-architecting the entire digital experience for Competenz within Te Pukenga.

Project Results

The chatbot is actually a structured conversation using a Conversational UI design methodology. We believe in using no-code platforms that remove the need to use developers to achieve results.

This chatbot was implemented in Typeform, which allowed rapid prototyping, and adaptation based on learnings.

The chatbot alone generated over 300 leads.